Saturday, October 25, 2008

Christmas in Battambang

The district gets together to celebrate Christmas.
What did Santa bring you for this year?

A district sing along

A district sing along. Can't you hear the sweet music from here?

P day luncheon

The guys get together for lunch during a day outing just before they board the Bamboo Train

Bamboo Train

Riding the Bamboo train is fun to do, fun to do, to do to do.
This is the fast way to get to exiting places from Battambang.
notice the absence of power lines and gas powered vehicles

This fish is great

Can you say PIG?

Cameron loves fish, especially when he gets to use Vietnamese spices. Goody Woody.

Rice cooker in photo tells the story

Another Baptism day

Another Baptism day.

burning socks

Burning socks is sometimes safer than washing them I guess.

Maybe this is what happens when you've been out 6 months on your mission

P days are for work

Returning to the 'root' of things here in Battambang.
Cameron has always loved seeds, now he gets to see 'seeds' really grow.

P days are for work

I think I will go in the back yard and enjoy the sunshing.
Yea mom, I am wearing the hat AND the sunscreen

On to Battambang

Buddest Temples are beautiful places.
I think they are 'chanting' something enchanting.